Friday, July 26, 2024


Dr. Sundar Pichai and Wife Anjali Pichai Receive Top Honors from IIT Kharagpur

Dr. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, and his wife Anjali Pichai were recently honored by their alma mater, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. In recognition of their...

Nvidia Chip Supply Challenges Highlighted by EU’s Vestager

Nvidia, a leading player in the technology and semiconductor industry, has been facing significant challenges in meeting the soaring demand for its advanced chips. These...

Musk X Faces Final EU Warning Over Dangerous Content

Musk's social media platform, now rebranded as X, is facing increased scrutiny from the European Union over its handling of dangerous content. The European Commission...

Apple to Integrate AI Technology from Various Companies; Meta Also in Discussions

Apple is planning a significant integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies from various companies, marking a strategic move to enhance its product ecosystem with...

Mark Zuckerberg Faces Challenge as Meta Charged with Violating EU Tech Rules

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Meta Platforms Inc., is once again in the spotlight, but this time, it's for all the wrong...

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Calls Out SpaceX Over Safety and Environmental Concerns

Jeff Bezos' aerospace company, Blue Origin, has leveled serious accusations against Elon Musk’s SpaceX, alleging that the latter's operations pose significant safety and environmental...

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is not involved in any rescue mission for Sunita Williams after Starliner’s helium leak.

Elon Musk's SpaceX rescuing Sunita Williams from space due to Starliner's Helium leak. Following a recent incident involving Boeing's Starliner spacecraft, there has been speculation...

Google Unveils Gemini AI Features for Gmail: Summarize, Ask Questions, Draft Mails, and More

Google has unveiled new Gemini AI features for Gmail, aiming to enhance user experience and productivity. These features leverage advanced artificial intelligence to assist users...

Satya Nadella Intervenes to Resolve Major AI Chip Dispute Between Nvidia and Microsoft.

Satya Nadella Steps In: Tackling the AI Chip Feud Between Nvidia and Microsoft In a significant move to address a burgeoning conflict in the technology...

Apple to Integrate Cutting-Edge AI Tech from Various Companies; Meta Also in Talks

Apple is reportedly planning to integrate advanced AI technology from various companies, signaling a significant move to enhance its ecosystem with cutting-edge capabilities. This strategic...

Microsoft and Apple Forge Dynamic Alliance, Uniting Forces

Microsoft and Apple Forge a Powerful Alliance In a landmark move that has sent shockwaves through the tech industry, Microsoft and Apple have announced a...